Welcoming new clients: let’s start with a phone call…

One of my goals last year was to make sure that I was purposeful in how I presented myself and my business.

Part of that was external - a new logo, a new website, a new business structure. Exciting stuff.

But a lot of it was more internal and personal. When people reached out to me I wanted to create honesty and openness when discovering whether we were a good match. That’s one of the reasons I started encouraging our first contact to be a phone call. A for-real, talk with our mouths, chat.

I have absolutely loved talking to you all this year. Selfishly, I just love old-school conversation and connecting with a client call. But on a business level, it absolutely helped to create a bond and a starting point of trust, or in some cases helped me to direct you to one of my photographer friends who could serve you in a different (and better) way if I didn’t think I was the best person to fit your hopes for photos.

It has been pivotal.

You are better prepared for working with me now. You know that I love connecting and talking with you and hearing your story (and that I love sharing mine). When we meet for your session you already know that I’m extroverted and social, but can also be calm and gentle with kids… I can roll on the ground with your kids to get giggles, but I can also soothe a baby to sleep with some mama magic. I’m business, but also really darn goofy. I’m ready for adventure and winging it, but come prepared with ideas up my sleeve. And you know I care a whole lot about finding the right families to work with. We come together in a different way after we’ve already heard each other’s voices and shared stories.

This past year I had a stronger voice, shared my values openly, and saw an alignment with people who were coming to me specifically for… me. It has been my greatest success here.

Running your own business is no joke. It’s a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. (Well, not blood usually. Minor scratches. Some pee.) Finding ways to fine tune it and make it magic is the sweetest reward.

Thanks for a great year. As I fill these calendar pages (yep, still paper ones) with sessions, I feel such excitement and gratitude for what lies ahead.

(photo by rachel joy barehl)


But I’m not photogenic.